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Sacramental Workgroup


Prayer Group

If you are interested in joining a prayer group please contact us.


First Holy Communion

Classes will start according to requirement! Please contact us if your children would like to join.

The Church is also officially eligible to conduct all sacraments: Baptism,Holy Communion, Confirmation and Marriage (as well as a Marriage preparation course). There are qualified Teachers to prepare children for Holy Communion and Confirmation.
For details please contact Fr. Gasto.

First Holy Communion 2023

Applications for First Holy Communion 2023 close on Saturday 5th November 2022.  If you know of anyone who has a child who is at least 7 years of age and wishes to make this Sacrament then please pass on this information or they can email Rachel directly for further details

Liturgical Workgroup


We are looking for someone who can play our keyboard for mass! Or any other instrument! At any age or level! Please contact us if you are willing to play for some masses and to practice with us half an hour before mass. Thank you for sharing your talent. 



Social + Communications Workgroup

Join us

We are an international community from many different yountries and cultures, and we learn so much more about eachother the more time we spend together. If you would like to join us to attend events in Stuttgart as a group, please email us with your phone number so that we can add you to our Whatsapp group. 

List of activities :


English Movies at Corso Cinema

Flohmarkt at Marienplatz

Hamburger Fischmarkt Festival, July

Bohnenviertel Fest, July

Stuttgarter Weindorf, August - September


Christmas market Stuttgart

Christmas market Esslingen

Christmas market Ludwigsburg

© 2014 by English Speaking Catholic Community, St. Maria Church, Stuttgart

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